

bù fěi bù fā 不悱不发

释义: 如果学生没有经过冥思苦想而有所体会时,就不对他们进行启发。比喻教师要耐心地等待学生的思考成熟后才加以引导。

出处: 这句话出自《论语·述而》:“不愤不启,不悱不发,举一隅不以三隅反,则不复也。”

例句: 在教学中,我们应该遵循孔子的教导,即“不悱不发”的原则,让学生先主动思考问题,然后我们再给予适当的指导。

近义词: 有待琢磨、有待深思、有待考虑

反义词: 一触即发、一点就透、立竿见影

正音: “悱”应读作“fěi”,而不是“fèi”或“fēi”。

繁体字: 不悱不發

Bù Fěi Bù Fā 不悱不发

Explanation: This phrase means that if students do not have any deep thoughts or feelings about a subject before being taught, then the teacher should not give them an explanation. It implies that teachers should be patient and wait for their students to mature in their thinking before guiding them.

Origin: The saying comes from "The Analects of Confucius" (Lun Yu), specifically from Chapter Seven: "If they are not eager to learn, I will not teach; If they are not confused, I will not explain. When I point out one corner, but they cannot understand three others by analogy, then I stop teaching them."

Example Sentence: In education, we should follow the teachings of Confucius which advocate the principle of 'not explaining until there is no desire to know.' Let students think actively about problems first, and only then provide appropriate guidance.