
gāng zhèng bù ē



拼音: gāngzhèngbùē

释义: Describes a person who is upright and just, unyielding to unjust authority or influence. It implies that such individuals maintain their principles without compromise and are not submissive or compliant with those in power.

出处: The phrase "刚正不阿" can be traced back to the ancient Chinese classic The Analects of Confucius, where it was used to describe the ideal character traits of a gentleman. Throughout history, numerous philosophers and scholars have advocated for this virtue as essential for personal integrity and societal order.

例句: 作为一名法官,他始终保持着刚正不阿的态度,不受任何外界压力的影响,只依据法律做出公正的判决。

近义词: 铁面无私、正直不屈、不畏权势

反义词: 曲意奉承、卑躬屈膝、见风使舵

正音: In some dialects, "阿" might be pronounced as "ē" instead of its more common pronunciation "ā." However, both pronunciations are considered correct within different linguistic contexts.

繁体: 剛正不阿



gāng zhèng bù à



拼音: gāngzhèngbùà

释义: Describes a person who is upright and just, unyielding to unjust authority or influence. It implies that such individuals maintain their principles without compromise and are not submissive or compliant with those in power.

出处: The phrase "刚正不阿" can be traced back to the ancient Chinese classic The Analects of Confucius, where it was used to describe the ideal character traits of a gentleman. Throughout history, numerous philosophers and scholars have advocated for this virtue as essential for personal integrity and societal order.

例句: 作为一位官员,他始终坚持着刚正不阿的原则,不为权力的诱惑所动摇,一心为民务实。

近义词: 铁面无私、正直不屈、不畏权势

反义词: 曲意奉承、卑躬屈膝、见风使舵

正音: In some dialects, "à" might be pronounced as "ǎ" instead of its more common pronunciation "á." However, both pronunciations are considered correct within different linguistic contexts.

繁体: 剛正不阿