

Pinyin: wǔ guāng shí sè Definition: A colorful and diverse array of things. It describes the variety and vibrancy of different objects or experiences. The phrase "five" refers to a multitude, while "ten" represents diversity. Etymology: This idiom is derived from the description of lights in ancient Chinese literature. In the Book of Han (Han Shu) by Ban Gu, it was described as "the five colors meet together with ten thousand rays." Later, this evolved into the current expression "wǔ guāng shí sè." Example Sentence: 在国庆节期间,北京的大街小巷被装点得五彩缤纷,五光十色,洋溢着浓厚的节日氛围。(During National Day festivities, Beijing streets are adorned with vibrant decorations that create a festive atmosphere.) Synonyms: Multicolored, kaleidoscopic, variegated Antonyms: Monochrome, drab, colorless Correct Pronunciation: Wǔ guāng shí sè (with correct tones) Traditional Chinese Characters: 五光十色