
【词语解释】 chūn qiū bǐ fǎ 春秋笔法 ◎ 春秋笔法 chūnqiūbǐfǎ [zhī] 1. 春秋笔法 是一种用文字委婉而微妙地表达作者思想观点的写作手法,源自中国古代编年史《春秋》一书。这部由孔子修订的经典著作中,对于历史事件的记载往往简洁而含蓄,通过选择特定的字眼或措辞来暗示对人物、事件的价值评判。例如,在《春秋》中,对于诸侯的去世,如果他是合法继位且在位期间表现良好,就用“卒”来记录;而对于那些篡位或者有恶行者,则使用较为贬抑的字如“崩”或“弑”等。这种隐晦而又深刻的表述方式后来被称为“春秋笔法”,意指文笔看似平淡无奇,实则蕴含着深远的意义。 2. 这一写作技巧不仅限于历史记录,也被广泛应用于文学创作和其他形式的写作之中。它要求作者具备高度的语言驾驭能力和深厚的文化修养,能够巧妙地将自己的情感和立场融入到客观叙述之中,使得读者既能感受到作者的态度,又能保持一定的思考空间。 3. 在现代社会,春秋笔法的运用仍然有着重要的价值,特别是在新闻报道和社会评论等领域。它可以帮助作者在不直接表明立场的情况下传达信息,让读者自行解读并形成自己的看法。同时,这也是一种尊重多元化和避免争议的有效手段,使文章更具说服力和权威性。 4. 春秋笔法作为一种古老的修辞艺术,既体现了中国传统文化的智慧,也为当代写作提供了宝贵的借鉴经验。它在潜移默化中影响着人们的思维方式和表达习惯,值得我们深入研究和学习。 5. 相关链接:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%98%A5%E5%AD%A3%E7%AC%94%E6%B3%95/1002984(百度百科)

【出处】 The term "春秋笔法" originates from the ancient Chinese annalistic work Chunqiu (Spring and Autumn Annals) compiled by Confucius during the Warring States period. In this book, historical events were recorded with concise yet suggestive language that conveyed moral judgments through subtle word choices. For example, when recording the death of a ruler, if he was legitimate and had behaved well in office, the character "卒" (die) would be used; for those who came to power illegally or acted badly, more derogatory terms like "崩" (collapse) or "弑" (murder) might appear instead. This technique allowed writers to express their opinions without openly taking sides, thus preserving an air of objectivity while still conveying ethical implications.

【例句】 In contemporary news reporting, journalists often employ the "春秋笔法" approach to write articles that are informative but also subtly persuasive. They may use neutral language to describe controversial issues, leaving it up to readers to draw their own conclusions based on what is implied rather than directly stated. Such writing can help foster critical thinking among audiences and promote open discussion without resorting to overt bias.